Monday, November 15, 2010

Dear World, I Suck At Blogging.

So, it may be pretty apparent that I haven't posted for....over a year now. Which may seem a little ridiculous, but I have a busy life. So, as of today, I am aiming to post once a week, maybe more. So, I think I should maybe save you the boredom of me recapping my entire last year. But to some it up, nothing really bad happened, nothing absolutely amazing happened (i.e.: win the lottery, get married....well I'm a little too young for that anyway.) So now, we arrive at current time. I find it necessary to bring up the point that if they are going to be serving breakfast at seminary, they should tell us in advance. Here's why, so we got donuts from the donut dip on the way back from the Boston temple. So naturally, I decided to have one for breakfast along with a yogurt for some actual nutrition. So I got to seminary, we have our lesson, life is good until......SOMEONE BROUGHT FOOD!!!!! and it was good food too!!!! Cinnamon rolls, and parfaits.......I almost died. I was so full from my donut that I hardly even wanted a Cinnamon roll. Now tell me, is there anything worse in the world than not wanting a home made Cinnamon roll?!?!?!?!?!? So I went around being mopey all day and complaining. Who would have thought, that a Cinnamon roll could ruin my day. Needless to say, it was very sad. I will blog again...hopefully.
Yours Truly,
The Bad Blogger


Erin said...

That is cruel. And you made me crave cinnamon rolls which is also cruel!

Lauren said...

Yes. It is cruel. you should make cinnamon rolls......